
Top Essential Medical Terminology List For All Nursing Exams

Are you searching for medical terminology list ? Allnursingjobs4u blog updates Essential Nurse Medical Terms in One Place for Nursing Exams. This terminology list are widely used for personal use, medical studies and career development for nursing and medical students.

What are the Medical Terminology (चिकित्सा शब्दावली)?

As per WikiPedia Medical terminology is a language, which is used to describe the human body including its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and procedures performed upon it.

Top 60 Plus Medical Terminology List For All Nursing Exams

1. Anaemia - Deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood 
2. Analgesic - Medicine which alleviates pain 
3. Arthralgia - Pain in a joint 
4. Cephalalgia - Headache 
5. Nephralgia - Pain in the kidney 
6. Neuralgia - Nerve pain 
7. Myalgia - Muscle pain 
8. Otalgia - Ear ache 
9. Gastralgia - Pain in the stomach 
10. Pyoderma - Skin infection with pus formation 
11. Leucoderma -Defective skin pigmentation 
12. Hysterodynia - Pain in the uterus 
13. Hysterectomy - Excision of the uterus 
14. Nephrectomy - Excision of a kidney 
15. Adenectomy - Excision of a gland 
16. Cholecystectomy - Excision of gall bladder 
17. Thyroidectomy - Excision of thyroid gland 
18. Arthritis - Inflammation of a joint 
19. Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi-bymms-bhati 
20. Carditis - Inflammation of the heart 
21. Cervicitis - Inflammation of the cervix 
22. Colitis - Inflammation of the colon 
23. Colpitis - Inflammation of the vagina 
24. Cystitis - Inflammation of the urinary bladder 
25. Enteritis - Inflammation of the intestines 
26. Gastritis - Inflammation of the stomach 
27. Glossitis - Inflammation of the tongue 
28. Hepatitis - Inflammation of the liver 
29. Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx 
30. Metritis - Inflammation of the uterus 
31. Myelitis - Inflammation of the spinal cord 
32. Nephritis - Inflammation of the kidney 
33. Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx
34. Blepharitis -Inflammation of the eyelids 
35. Cholelithiasis - Stone in the gall bladder 
36. Nephrolithiasis - Stone in the kidney
37. Osteomalacia - Softening of bones through deficiency of calcium or D vitamin 
38. Adenoma -Benign tumour of glandular tissue 
39. Myoma - Tumour of muscle 
40. Diplopia - Double vision 
41. Thrombosis - Formation of a blood clot 
42. Pyloromyotomy - Incision of pyloric sphincter muscle
43. Hedrophobia - Fear of water (Rabies in humans)
44. Neuroplasty- Surgical repair of nerves 
45. Pyloraplasty -Incision of plastic pylorus to widen passage 
46. Hemiplegia - Paralysis of one side of the body 

47. Nephroptosis - Downward displacement of the kidney 
48. Amenorrhoea - Absence of menstrual discharge 
49. Dysmenorrhoea - Painful menstruation 
50. Leucorrhoea - Whitish vaginal discharge 
51. Menorrhoea - Menstrual bleeding 
52. Haemorrhage- Escape of blood from a vessel 
53. Arrhythmia -Any deviation of normal rhythm of heart 
54. Cholestasis - Diminution in the flow of bile 
55. Haemostatis - Arrest of bleeding 
56. Neurasthenia - Nervous debility 
57. Cystostomy - Surgical opening made into the bladder 
58. Cystotomy - Incision into the urinary bladder 
59. Hypertrophy - Increase in the size of tissues 
60. Haematuria - Blood in the urine 
61. Glycosuria - Presence of sugar in the urine 
62. Albuminuria - Presence of albumin in the urine

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